How to write a good tutorial
No matter how many tutorials we create and upload at, there are never going to be enough. :) As our code base and user base are growing, so is the demand for detailed explanations or step-by-step/how-to documentation increasing. This short guide will help you understand how you can contribute documentation and help improve the project.
The Point Cloud Library (PCL) documentation infrastructure has two distinct parts:
1. API documentation – we are using Doxygen to automatically generate the best possible API documentation, directly from our source files;
2. Tutorials and HowTo documents – we are using Restructured Text via Sphinx to transform simple reST files into beautiful HTML documents.
Both documentation sources are stored in our Source repository and the web pages are generated hourly by our server via crontab jobs.
In the next two sections we will address both of the above, and present a small example for each. We’ll begin with the easiest of the two: adding a new tutorial.
Creating a new tutorial
As already mentioned, we make use of Sphinx to generate HTML files from reST (restructured text) documents. If you want to add a new tutorial, we suggest you read the following resources: - official Sphinx documentation - official RST documentation - has a nice tutorial/set of examples
Once you understand how reST works, look over our current set of tutorials for examples at
To add a new tutorial, simply create a new file, and send it to us together with the images/videos that you want included in the tutorial. The best way to do this is to login to and send it as a pull request.
Improving the API documentation
Providing a good API documentation is not easy – as finding a balance between the amount of information that you present for each function, versus keeping it clean and simple is ermmm, a challenge in itself. Differently said, it’s hard to know what sort of people will look at the API: hardcore developers or first time users.
Our solution is to document the API as best as possible, but leave certain more complex details such as application examples for the tutorials. However, while this is a nice goal, it’s very improbable that our documentation is perfect.
To help us improve the API documentation, all that you need to do is simply check out the source code of PCL (we recommend trunk if you’re going to start editing the sources), like:
git clone
Then, edit the file containing the function/class that you want to improve the documentation for, say common/include/pcl/point_cloud.h, and go to the element that you want to improve. Let’s take points for example:
/** \brief The point data. */
std::vector<PointT, Eigen::aligned_allocator<PointT> > points;
What you have to modify is the Doxygen-style comment starting with /** and ending with */. See for more information.
To send us the modification, please send a pull request through Github.
Testing the modified API documentation
If you want to test it locally on your machine, make sure you have Doxygen installed, and go into the build system (here we assume that you followed the source installation instructions from and run:
make doc
This will create a set of html files containing the API documentation for PCL, in build/html/